Saturday, November 26, 2011

Ciptaan Kreatif & Inovatif Yang Terhasil Apabila Banjir Berlaku

Kali ni aku nak share pulak mengenai 'apa yan perlu kita buat bila musim hujan berlaku' macam kat malaysia ni kan yang pastinya tiap hujung tahun mesti berlakunya musim hujan.

Inilah gambar banjir di Bangkok Thailand.Bagaimana mereka menghadapinya dengan tenang dan mereka kenderaan baru dan melucukan pada musim banjir.Tiada banjir maka tiadalah kekereatifan seperti ini.

# 1how thailand survive and enjoy flood01

# 2how thailand survive and enjoy flood02
# 3how thailand survive and enjoy flood14

# 4how thailand survive and enjoy flood03

# 5how thailand survive and enjoy flood04

# 6how thailand survive and enjoy flood05

# 7how thailand survive and enjoy flood06

# 8how thailand survive and enjoy flood07

# 9how thailand survive and enjoy flood08

# 10how thailand survive and enjoy flood09
Flood Motorbike Trailer

# 11how thailand survive and enjoy flood10
Basikal banjir

# 12how thailand survive and enjoy flood11
Kalis banjir ,tuk2

# 13how thailand survive and enjoy flood12

# 14how thailand survive and enjoy flood13

# 15how thailand survive and enjoy flood15

# 16how thailand survive and enjoy flood16

# 17how thailand survive and enjoy flood17

# 18how thailand survive and enjoy flood18

# 19how thailand survive and enjoy flood19

# 20how thailand survive and enjoy flood20

# 21how thailand survive and enjoy flood21
Via thai-flood-hacks.tumblr


ahowk orang islam said...

haha.. aku risau tmpat aku nak bnjir rasanya ni..

Unknown said...

haa... apelagi stanby r dgn peralataan yg cmni.. :D

nazirul_kpjb said...

bgus.. kreatif.. menyelamatkan org serta binatang..

EddyGeek said...

pergh.. kreatif, menarik.. keadaan terdesak membuat manusia berfikir di luar kotak

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